Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spring welcome!

Though it is still a bit chilly outside, we are seeing the affects of warming weather at the library. We had a busy spring, yet it is always amazing to observe how much livelier we are when the weather finally breaks.

Have you seen these new library features?

YA Puff chairs
These new chairs are perfect for finding a good young adult book and curling up for a read!
YA Internet stations
Teens now have their very own computer stations, complete with cool, amoeba table and headphones.
Nonfiction has moved to the Children's Area
We have moved all the children's nonfiction books to the children's area so you can better find what you are looking for!
Rental Laptops
For $1.00 you can rent a laptop to use anywhere in the library for as long as you like through out the day. The laptops offer wireless Internet access and Microsoft Office products. Save documents to your USB flash drive. Printing is not available from these stations.
Information on the go
Check out our new media monitor at the Information Desk for all the information you need about upcoming events and happenings at the library.