You may have seen the Wisconsin State Journal this morning and the feature on libraries. Usage is up at most libraries, which is typical in tough economic times. Folks are discovering for the first time what a value they have in their local library.
Here in Sun Prairie, residents have long understood what an incredible asset the library is to their lives. A recent survey showed that 99.9% of respondents would recommend us to a friend. You told us you love the building, the beautiful architecture, the soaring ceilings, the cozy Martha Renk Room, and the natural light. You love the collection, the variety of new fiction and nonfiction titles, DVDs, music and audio books. In addition, you value library programming. In 2008, 17,873 children attend 297 programs!
Those of you who use the library on a regular basis, please continue to enjoy this fabulous place and all it has to offer. Those of you who are discovering us for the first time or returning after a long hiatus...WELCOME!
Photos from 1/2/2009 issue of Wisconsin State Journal
Posted by Tracy Herold