Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Answers to Your Comments
from, Library Director
January- 2016

The Food for Fines program is great but you should consider dental items.
Thank you for your suggestion.  Dental items such as toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash are certainly on the list of items that can be included.   We are happy to be part of this community service, a win-win for all.   Thank you for thinking of it too!

I think you should have an art contest for all ages.
We recently had a crazy crafts contest for all ages and I hope you were able to attend.  We have some of the creative works displayed around the library.  The library also frequently exhibits artwork from various organizations throughout the community, including the Sun Prairie School District.  Because of space, we have to spread these art exhibits throughout the year so be on the lookout!

I think that the library needs a cat!
We have many animal lovers among our staff and patrons.  However, due to the time and resources it takes to care for a cat, we aren’t able to accommodate pets such as cats.  We are lucky to have the support of our Friends of the Sun Prairie Public Library who maintain our aquarium in the Youth Services Section.  The aquarium draws a lot of attention and we couldn’t do it without the support of our Friends.  Thanks for your suggestion – we’ll put it on a wishlist!